Adam Day – Peace, Love, Tolerance

I have had the privilege to be a part of Adam Day from 2014, since its commencement in California. Its universal message of unity amongst mankind and promoting peace and tolerance amongst each other is of utmost importance in today’s society.

We live in such an era, full of knowledge and information about the world, yet we still are ignorant about each other. Racism and discrimination seems to be on a rise and it needs to be overcome. There is much division amongst people living in the same society. We focus on differences more than similarities and make judgments based on those differences, creating hatred and hostility towards one another. We fail to recognize our own kind, and that is humankind, our abilities, our attributes. That which makes us one.

Adam Day provides a neutral platform for people to come together from various backgrounds, faiths and cultures and celebrate their differences and similarities. It gives people an opportunity to meet others who share their views in spreading love, peace, kindness, tolerance and compassion within their society. All looking to make the world a better place to live, nurture and grow in.

It’s an honor to be a part of something that helps to spread the positive message of unity in diversity. Adam Day is celebrated once a year but its message should be carried forward every day of the year. I am hopeful and look forward to a brighter future.

By: Humma Arjumand Azeemi

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