Keynote Speeches

Sufi Order Azeemia aims to promote universal love, peace, harmony, and compassionate interrelations between all human beings, regardless of one’s colour, race, or faith. Unity is essential for a society to prosper and live in peace. In the presence of unity and peace, the various beautiful colours of our diversity are able to bloom.

Our purpose is to remind mankind that each human being is a child of Adam and Eve and part of the family of humanity, irrespective of whether they are followers of the Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Christian or any other faith, or no faith. Adam Day aims to unite all people from all backgrounds, faiths and cultures to celebrate diversity.


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With English subtitle

Don't forget to register for our upcoming Adam Day 2018 (California) Event!

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Adam Day - California

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Don't forget to register for our upcoming Adam Day 2018 (California) Event!